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Mining the Bible to reveal the extravagant anointing of the Holy Spirit.


Check out what people  are saying about The Christing

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Will awaken the heart to the beauty of Jesus. 

Patricia Bootsma


Black and white portrait of Phil Moore

Paul White is the real deal. His a man of God's Spirit who is firmly rooted in God's Word, and a deep thinker who is also a deep listener to the Lord. You will be challenged as you read this book to be the same. I encourage you to read it.

Phil Moore Author of Gagging Jesus, and the Straight to the Heart Bible commentary series.

Black and white portrait of Pete Baker

When you spend time with Paul, you know you're spending time with someone who has spent time with Jesus. He carries such a life, a passion, an energy, an enthusiasm that is contagious. My hope and prayer for you is that this excellent book increases your desire to spend time with King Jesus, living for him and carrying his presence into the world around you.

Pete Baker - Senior Leader, Life Church Lancs

Black and white portrait of Tony Stephens

What you have here is a rendition of Paul's heart - a heart shaped by Jesus to bring insight and creative warmth into our own Christian journey. When I read what is written it's as if Paul is in the room with me - I hear his voice and dwell in the wealth of his creativity, experience and wisdom. This is a book to sit with, mull over and ponder, liked a multi-faceted jewel that you roll around in your fingers in order to see in a different light.

Canon Tony Stephens (retired) - formerly of the Callington Cluster, Diocese of Truro

I am grateful to Clive Jackson and Paul Wakely for their continued wise and faithful
apostolic supervision of my life and ministry for over three decades. 

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